
Showing posts from November, 2014

Brotherly love

The love the boys have for each other is indescrible. I love watching them  all together! These are the days that I never want to forget!!

Hotel, hockey, and a train ride

Who doesn't love a little impromptu family weekend in the big city?  About a month ago, Bob came home from work and said he grabbed us tickets to the Lake Erie Monsters hockey game, then he booked one night hotel stay close by. This was just what we needed.  On Saturday, we drove out to the hotel where we couldn't keep the boys out of the pool.  The pool was huge and the hot tub was amazing. Once we dried off we jumped on the RTA train to ride it downtown.  This was a genius idea because then we didn't have to pay for parking or walk outside in the cold either.  The boys had a blast riding and watching the city pass by. The train ride was putting Nolan to sleep. Bob and I were fully prepared to be walking around the hallways of the game to keep each kid busy during the game.  To our surprise all three boys were totally engrossed in the game.  Landon was munching on popcorn, cotton candy, and slurping pink lemonade.  Carter was watching the game and shouting out

Happy Halloween

I confess…Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!  I love seeing the kids dressed up in costume and walking around gathering tons of sugary goodness.  But…with this there is always the stress of getting costumes ready for the kids.  I'm not sure if it is an unwritten rule for all mothers to "make" the costume or if is just another stress I bring on myself.  You would think that if the boys would choose what they wanted to be in January I would have plenty of time to get it made.  However they change their minds millions of times up to the day of the event.  Thank goodness Nolan could wear a costume we already had but Carter and Landon needed a new one.  Carter wanted to be a shark and Landon wanted to be, wait for it…a penguin!!  I researched easy diy costumes and I had a plan.  Finding solid color clothes without any pictures or printing on them was so stinking difficult. After I grabbed everything I needed to make the costumes (just a week before trick or treatin