
Showing posts from August, 2012

Summer Vacation Part Three: The Final Days

It is so unfortunate just like every thing in life, it must end especially when it is vacation!  On one of the last days we visited a dairy farm called Country Dairy.  They have tours and we were excited to experience what this farm had to offer.  It was very chilly that day and it was raining all throughout the day.  It was pretty cool being able to see the whole process up close.  When we entered the bottling facility we had to wear bright red hair nets.  This was quite a hoot.  Baby Adelynn even had to wear one!   The boys loved seeing the cows up close and being able to feed them.  Carter and Landon have not been interested in milk for at least a year.  I have tried everything (white, chocolate, strawberry, organic, almond milk) and they won't drink it.  After this tour Carter was pounding the glasses of chocolate milk like it was going out of style.  He had the best chocolate milk mustache. On the tour wagon Walking around the dairy farm with Maw Maw The Vilt fam

Summer Vacation Part Two

The week continued with fun around every corner.  When we travel Bob and I try to find as many things we can do there to fully experience the area.  We located two local wineries which we stopped by to taste and purchase.  One of the evenings we stopped at an ice cream store.  I walked the boys to the park while Bob ordered.  He decided that every one in family needed their own item...I probably would have order two items and got extra spoons.  With that being said while he was juggling four ice cream creations both boys decided to poop at the park without any restrooms.  Carter dropped drawers in the grass and Landon's diaper was full.  I took care of this situation and when I finally came back to grab my ice cream Bob had just dropped it into the mulch.  My rainbow sherbet was sprinkled entirely with wood chips.  All I could do was laugh and spoon the mulch off. Another day we headed to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes.  The entrance that we found felt like we were climbing at a 90 de

Summer Vacation Part One

This past week we set off for our annual family vacation.  This year we rented a house on Lake Michigan in the Silver Lake Area.  My parents, sister, Edd, and baby Adelynn arrived on Saturday afternoon and spent the night so we could get a head start on the vacation.  I can't tell you who was looking forward to this get away more...the kids or Bob and I.  We loaded up the van, yep that's right I said van, more to come on that in a later post, and took off up north.  We had to stop several times for Carter to go potty but we eventually made it to our "bacation home" as Carter called it all week.  It was a cute little house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, kitchen, living area, dining room, and sun porch.  We quickly unloaded and walked down the steps to the beach.  There were 8 cement stairs that led to 28 steep wooden stairs to the beach that I was so worried the boys would fall down but thankfully never did.  The Silver Lake Lighthouse was just down the road so we jumped in