
Showing posts from September, 2010

More Summer Fun!

He was so exhausted after playing outside non-stop for an hour and half. This you do not see very often-both boys out! I know the summer is winding down and we are looking forward to fall. I love fall with the cooler temperatures, falling leaves, sweaters/sweatshirts, etc. I can't wait to watch Carter jump in the leaves this year-we had to stage him in the leaves last year so I am sure it will be different this time. The boys are growing like crazy. Landon is starting to show a little personality. He grunts and fidgets when he is irritated. He still likes to nap during the day but is doing a little better at night. Last night he was only up twice to eat. He is such an active sleeper. I know that I have said that about Carter in the past but I think Landon is comparable. I think that is what keeps me up at night because I hear him. During the day he sleeps so sound and peacefully-darn. Carter is still loving being a big brother. He gives him kisses and just yesterday he hugged him.