
Showing posts from March, 2018


Nolan's preschool had a circus performance.  His job was to be a daredevil who jumped out of a cannon.  He was so excited to do this with best friend, Bryce.       Family Selfie at the preschool Nolan loves this shirt because it has a hood.  He wears it any chance that he gets!   Hat day at school! This is Nolan's first season of basketball at the YMCA.  It has been hilarious to watch.  They all spend a lot of time running into the mat on the wall, comparing heights with other players, and playing tag. While I was in Columbus at Kelli's baby shower, Bob text me that Nolan got hurt at church.  He tripped on his own shoes and fell and hit his head on the corner of a table.   That cut on his head ended up in the emergency room with two stitches and no tears. Nolan has such a fun personality and you can never anticipate what he might say or do... this last photo is him showing us how Spiderman takes a shower!

Abe Lincoln's Big Night

The second graders were performing a music presentation about "Hats".  Landon came home with such excitement when he found out that his speaking part was for Abe Lincoln.  He asked to dress up just like him.  I was giddy with excitement of him willingly wanting to dress up. That night was a jam packed evening...after school pick up Nolan, head to local restaurant for dinner, go to Nolan's basketball game, then to Landon's music program, lastly to the Board Meeting for Landon to say the pledge for being citizen of the month.  Before his beard was adhered. Pre show   Landon’s buddy, Vern    His brothers were so proud of him!  How funny is the scotch tape on the side of the hat, turns out the double sided tape didn't hold up as well as Mrs. Lias thought.  No problem!   Maw Maw and Paw Paw drove up to watch Landon's performance This dad can’t get enough of Abe. What a fun night!