
Showing posts from February, 2018

Winter on a Great Lake

Not only do we love the lake all summer long but it is even amazing during the winter too.  We bundle up and head over to see how different it looks from the summer.  The water was frozen so thick that we were able to walk out quite far safely and experience winter on Lake Erie.   It was so cool to see how the ice was clear in some areas and then frosted in others.  At one point we were able to see fish that were frozen in the ice.   Bob found a fish on the shore and pretended to be bitten by the dead fish.  Of course Nolan had to pretend just like his daddy. We found a few pieces of beach glass at the shore and one beautiful lucky stone. The next weekend the temperatures had warmed up a bit but we decided to head back over to check it out. There were huge pieces of ice along the shore that we would jump on and set free out to sea.  It was so much fun jumping and splashing in the ice cold water.             The great outdoors...our favorite place to be.

Christmas in January

Merry Christmas...what, what, what?  Yep, we finally had a chance to celebrate Boon Christmas this year!  We so look forward to this holiday because everyone comes to visit us here in Ohio.  Our house is full and busting at the seams but we wouldn't want it any other way. Jason found this ninja turtle weapon right when he arrived and didn't put it down until he left. A tradition that we love to share is our trip to the local bowling alley.  The kids have such a good time and we all laugh, eat, and dance!         After bowling we are sure to fill our bellies with delicious food and spirits! Late night family selfies! Always fun together and well worth waiting for our Christmas celebration.