
Showing posts from January, 2018

Home renovations

It's been awhile since we have made many changes to our house.  With three wild boys you just assume that everything will be broken so investing in our home isn't our top priority.  I am obsessed with watching Fixer Upper, reading all the Gaines family books, and flipping through the Magnolia magazine so change it was a coming!  I had a list started before Christmas break of what I was hoping to do and when I say, "I was going to do" I really mean...mostly Bob.  Our first project was staining the fireplace mantel and white washing the brick.  So like any project you begin, once you are knee deep within it you realize there are more things that need/could be done to make it great.  I had to sand down a whole lot of lacquer off the wood on this mantel and I was having second thoughts.  After a pep talk from my dear friend Laura Lokers, help from my mom, and a cold beverage from Bob we got the wood ready for the stain. Next, after watching an episode on YouTube and read

Road trip to our Nation’s Capitol

Christmas day was absolutely wonderful.  Bob and I waited like kids in bed waiting for the pitter patter of the boys feet to wake us up on Christmas morning, but to our surprise they didn't.  They all came down to watch a show just like they do each morning.  We were speechless but enjoyed the calm start to Christmas morning.  The boys unwrapped gifts from Santa and everyone else and I realized once it was over that I didn't get one picture.  I guess that means I was enjoying myself so much I didn't even think to grab my camera instead just enjoyed the moment. We are very lucky when it comes to Christmas break because Bob saves up his remaining vacation days to spend with us.  He had an amazing idea of visiting Washington DC for a road trip getaway. So early December 26th, we jumped in the car and began our journey. The boys are so used to traveling!  6 hour road trip...let's do this. Maw Maw and Paw Paw joined us on this trip.  Paw Paw and the boys had never be