
Showing posts from October, 2017

Fall in MI

Nothing says Fall like Fall in Michigan...we miss our days going to as many fun fall events we did when we lived there so we ventured back to see the Lokers's. Laura found this diamond in the rough farm with a corn maze, pumpkin patch, hayride, and much more. Here are the boys posing on the tractor made from hay...when I posted this picture I noticed the sign by Carter.."No climbing" Oh looks like we have proof we broke the rules without knowing it. The corn maze quite difficult.  We had to split up our group into three groups so that we could send an adult which each group.  Bob went with these crazies and I was with Landon and Jackson.  Those two boys ran the whole maze and were the first ones out. There was a barn full of fun...a hay bale maze, slides, and a huge corn pit. It was a blast!  We were cracking up laughing when they would come up with corn kernels coming out of their nose or ears. The hayride was awesome.  It took us all over the farm and w

Firefighter visit

Each year the preschool takes a visit to the fire station to meet the firefighters and learn about fire safety.   Bob was lucky enough to join them on this journey. Bob was so happy to report that Nolan was sitting so quietly and listening to every word the fire fighters had to say. This picture is just too cute...This is Nolan, Caroline, and Charlotte holding hands on their way back from the fire station.  What a great friendship they have. Bob had a great time on the journey with Nolan.  Nolan was so proud to tell us all about it when we got home from school.


It's national toasted marshmallow day so we decided to celebrate.  The boys absolutely love having a campfire in the backyard and the thought of eating a sugary snack just made it even better. Last year a student brought me a bag of the largest marshmallows I have ever seen so we just had to try them out!   Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day!

Apple orchard

It's Fall, y'all!  We couldn't wait to get out and enjoy as many fun all events as we could.  Our first trip out was to one of our favorite orchard: Quarry Hill. Landon was so excited to find a field of soybeans..."fast beans". What cracks me up is when we reached the back of the orchard of course Landon shouts out that he has to poop.  We raced up to the front and they let us use the "farm" toilet in the soon as Landon had to go...Bob came up with both Nolan and Carter...we left quite a mark on that place!


Oh how we love sunflowers. Last year we tried so hard to grow sunflowers from Grandpa Grocho's sunflower seeds however turns out we were raising a very hard weed.  This summer we planted new seeds in hopes of watching a few sunflowers grow in memory of Grandpa.  These amazing giant sunflowers grew and created a sunflower wall on the side of the house.  I have to admit every time I looked out the window or heard the boys talk about them it brought joy to my heart knowing that Grandpa would be so proud. A colleague of mine, 2nd grade teacher in our building, has been battling cancer for over four years.  She lost her battle at the beginning of the school year and her only wish to spread love through sunflowers.  Her husband and daughter are creating these beautiful wooden sunflowers to be placed in her memory.  It is amazing how many sunflowers we see in the city.   In a nearby town there is a sunflower field that blooms every summer in memory of a little girl named Maria th