
Showing posts from September, 2009

Laugh Out Loud!

So Carter is almost 4 months old-16 weeks on Wednesday! It is very hard to believe that much time has passed. This month he has made the most changes. He is now holding his head up on his own and really talking up a storm. While you are holding him on your lap he uses his rock hard abs to pull himself up. He tries very hard to stand up on his legs. Since he is standing up we got out his baby einstein activity center. He loves to play in this for about 15-20 minutes and then he gets bored and fussy. Carter is more alert now and stays awake during the day. Officially on Friday, Carter slept through the night from 10:45-6:45am. I was so shocked I kept waking up to make sure he was breathing. Knock on wood he has been doing it every night since then. I go back to work on Thursday and I am excited to get back into the swing of things. I am very worried with how the morning will go with getting myself and Carter ready and out the door on time. We have been trying to get Carter

More Firsts for Carter

Last weekend we went to the Cleveland Air Show. We walked down to the pier by the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame and set up camp by a shade tree. It was so cool watching the planes do crazy tricks. There was a stealth style plane that was so loud we had to cover his little ears. We stayed a while and left before it got too loud. Next, we have taken out the newborn hammock out of his bath tub because he can sit up and hold his head up. He is a kickin machine in the tub now. We have been giving him a bath in the kitchen sink but he drenches the kitchen floor so now we must do it in the bathtub. Bob and I get laughing so hard when he gets kicking. Finally, today was the Race for the Cure in Cleveland. This is the 3rd year we have participated but Carter's first time. He was the talk of race. I made a outfit for him with the breast cancer pink ribbon that said "Real Men Wear Pink". Everyone was checking out his onesie . We had him in the stroller but being the nosey man tha

Operation: Sleeping in the Crib!

Last night was the first night we tried out Carter sleeping in his crib. I laid him down at 10:30pm and he slept until 1:30am. He rustled around and I rocked him for about 10 minutes and put him back into the crib. He then woke up at 4am crying because he was hungry. I fed him and he slept until 6:30am right before Bob left. That was great because Bob got to hug on him before he left. He ate and then went back to sleep for 2 hrs. I don't want to talk about it too much because I might jinx it. Wish me luck tonight!

3 Months Old!

Carter is officially 3 months old today! It is crazy to think how fast the time has gone by. Since last week has is really working hard on holding his head up by himself. You will have to watch the video clip of him pulling himself up. We have put him in his bumbo seat but he is still a little wobbly. We will keep practicing every day. Since his shots last Wednesday he has been very fussy. He is crying a lot more and really making us first time parents work hard to try and make everything better. The doctor thought he might be teething, starting to have a milk protein allergy, or just being more vocal. We have spent many a minute walking the block with a fussy baby trying to calm him down. He is now fighting sleep so when he's tired he just cries which makes it very hard to get him to sleep. He has started to hate the carseat and cries when he is in there. I had to pull over for 40 minutes yesterday just trying to get him calmed down. When he cries it is exhausting to Bob and I b